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Firmount West, County Kildare, W91 R740, Ireland

Telek | Eladás


Leinster Property offers this vacant farm cottage on 1 acre in Firmount West, Clane, Co Kildare.

Site includes a currently uninhabitable farm cottage situated just off main road and junction. The property has extensive road frontage offering an ideal opportunity to refurbish or extend the existing dwelling subject to planning.

The site is located in the picturesque Firmount West which is only a short drive from all local amenities including shops, cafes and restaurants in Clane Town.

The property has been vacant for several decades and will require full services to be installed and a total refurbishment subject to relevant planning. Ideally positioned this property will appeal to someone seeking a residence in the county with government grants most likely available subject to meeting the usual criteria.

Features and additional details:

Vacant old farm cottage on 1 acre Excellent road frontage with one main entrance currently Wonderful potential to create a modern home subject to planning

Please contact our sale office today to register your interest on 01 6284261.



Padraig Kavanagh

Estate Agent

Padraig megkeresése