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30 Old Liston Road, NEWBRIDGE, Midlothian, EH28 8SS, UK

Vendre au détail | Soumissionner



The property is a single storey brick constructed property held under a flat roof. The main entrance is on Old Liston Road and benefits from disabled ramp access. There is also a fire exit to the rear. The pavement and 6 car parking spaces at the front of the property are also within the properties demise.

Arranged over the ground floor, the premises are configured to provide a banking hall, partitioned ancillary offices, two strong rooms and WC facilities to the rear. An ATM room extending to circa 90 sq ft, is due to be constructed and will be located in the south westerly corner of the building (see attached layout plan), of which RBS will take a lease and pay a rent to the purchaser.

Map Details

Agent immobilier

Robbie McLean


Contact Robbie



Jamie Simpson


Contact Jamie

